Giveaways $888,888.88 Giveaway Winners Blog


The Wonderful Kingdom of Prize Castle

Once upon a time, there was a wonderful kingdom called Prize Castle. Every day, the people would venture to the Prize Castle and partake of the amazing sweepstakes contests that were on offer, hoping to become a winner of the grand prize or one of their other wonderful gifts. The opportunities...

The Royal Messenger Wants You

Now why, you might ask, would our Royal Messenger require your email address? There are a number of very good reasons, and we want you to know precisely what they are.

The Prize Castle Royal Messenger has been travelling the span of the kingdom, galloping the countryside on his faithful horse,...

The Castle of Your Dreams

Castles have long been a fascination filled with fantasy and are places where legends have long been made. Many a story has revolved around a mythical or real kingdom, a king and queen, a fairytale princess, and knights in shining armor as tales unfold in lands far away.

Many of us dream of living...

The Knights of the Free Giveaways

The King had been searching for the perfect group of warriors to protect the borders of his kingdom and secure the free giveaways available to the good people of the Prize Castle kingdom. He had heard tales of a dedicated battalion of powerful knights, ready to stand guard and protect the site...

A Castle By Any Other Name

Castles are a part of the cultural landscape, filling our imaginations with fantasy and wonder. You can admire them from afar and bask in the beauty they bestow on their surroundings. From the soaring towers to the drawbridge and mote to the ornate décor and impeccable gardens, castles have long...

Why Visit PrizeCastle!

Who doesn't love castles? They’re big, mystical, majestic and full of surprises around every corner - Prize Castle is the perfect place to explore and have a magical experience. With access to prizes worthy of a king or queen, you won't want to miss out and that’s why it’s open to enter freely...

The PrizeCastle Daily Cash Giveaway!

Here at Prize Castle, we love visitors. After all, most castles are frequented by many visitors, and we want you to come back and visit each day! So, every morning we’re giving away $5 Cash to one of our honored guests. Of course, it’s not a king’s ransom and won’t get you a castle of your own,...